Chiropractic Care

Premium Chiropractic Care in Seattle

Our team of healthcare professionals and experts are on your side when it comes to health and wellness. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Fox at Fox Chiropractic P.S. for quality chiropractic care. We provide Seattle and the surrounding areas with comprehensive chiropractic services for people of all ages and fitness levels. Improve your mobility, reduce your pain, and begin on the path to vitality with us at Fox Chiropractic P.S.


Chiropractic Care And More

  • Chiropractic adjustments involve a variety of methods and techniques including advanced activator techniques, manual adjustments, diversified extremity adjustments, and more.
  • Scoliosis treatment provided by a skilled chiropractor can be useful for reducing pain and pressure. Our chiropractor can provide effective relief for scoliosis without having to rely on pain medication or surgery.
  • Pediatric care by our caring and friendly chiropractor will reduce growing pains, provide regular postural screenings, and allow for greater body mobility as your child grows. Children experience injuries occasionally and chiropractic care can ensure a seemingly benign injury does not affect your child’s growth or posture in the following months.
  • Sports injury treatment is a key chiropractic service. If you have ever been injured playing a sport you love, then you know how frustrating it can be to be limited in your movement. Chiropractic care for sports injuries can help you safely return to full mobility, faster.
  • Lifestyle advice and coaching is a way to help our patients maintain or improve their health between visits. We will provide advice and specific coaching to help you achieve your health goals. Whether you plan to run a marathon or simply want to walk up a few sets of stairs without running out of breath, we can help you improve yourself with expert medical care and planning.

Learn More About Our Chiropractic Services

Fox Chiropractic P.S. serves the Wedgwood & Viewridge areas with quality chiropractic care. We treat patients of all ages and have pediatric programs. We are here for your whole family's health needs with quality chiropractic care that doesn’t rely on pain medication or invasive procedures like surgery. Our treatments focus on the root source of the medical problem not, just the painful symptoms. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation with our chiropractor, call us today at (206) 522-6339.

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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Fox Chiropractic PS


9:30 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-5:30 pm


9:30 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-5:30 pm




9:30 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-5:30 pm




1st Saturday of the Month By Appointment Only

